DIY With Sourpuss!: Felt Skull Garland

DIYbannergarland It's time to get crafty with Sourpuss! We're making a garland that is perfect for the holiday season and not as sweet as your typical store bought Christmas decor. Maybe snowflakes and pine trees aren't your speed and you're looking for something a little...edgier?! You're in luck - follow our simple tutorial to make yourself a felt skull garland! skgarland_1 skgarland_2 What You'll Need:
  • one sheet each of red and green felt (9x12 size)
  • baker's twine or embroidery thread
  • pom-poms (10)
  • scissors
  • needle
  • pins
  • skull template (download from HERE)
skgarland_3STEP 1: Print out the SPskull_garland.pdf at 100% (should be approx. 4" in height) and cut out the skull template. Make a fold on the felt sheet and place the right side of the skull template along the fold and pin in place. Carefully cut out two green skulls and three red skulls. skgarland_4 STEP 2: Thread your needle with the twine or thread. Thread on three pom-poms, alternating the colors. skgarland_5 STEP 3: Taking your threaded needle, thread a felt skull through the top center of the cutout. Follow the skull with another pom-pom, then another skull, another pom-pom and so on until all skulls and pom-poms are attached, ending with another trio of pom-poms. skgarland_6 And...voilà! You're done! You can now hang your completed garland from your mantle, a wall, or wherever else you need a dose of spooky Christmas cheer! skgarland_7
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