Team Sourpuss takes on Las Vegas and WWDMagic!

A couple of weeks ago, Team Sourpuss landed in Vegas to conquer MAGIC. For those of you that don't know, Magic is a giant trade show that takes place every 6 months, where we get to show our goods (heehee) and buy fabulous new things for the site. It's a whirlwind, and it sounds glamorous but it's a lot of work! We get our hands dirty, go a little crazy but have fun while we get shit done! The first day is always the calm before the storm.. so we headed to Fremont street to do some people watching and drink out of a ridiculous 3 foot leg! Hilarity ensued...

First, this happened. (edited for your eyeballs - trust me, you don't need to see that!)


Margaret met some celebrities!


Finally we got THE LEG!!!! And the rest of the night is kind of a blur.


Day 2 broke us a little bit. Our samples were really late getting to the convention center, so we had to amuse ourselves for a while. Luckily we had some Prince to listen to and that helped us feel a little better. This led to some crazed rain dancing and possibly some hallucinations as the night wore on, but somehow we made it through. I got taken down by a couple of rolled up carpets and cried a little.


But! we were not to be defeated, and in the wee hours of the morning, the booth was finished! And it was beautiful, and all was right with the world.


The first day of the show was a smashing success! We came, we placed orders, we conquered!


And then it was time for AFTER the show. Our friends at Lucky 13 and Inked Magazine know how to throw a party, and they did not disappoint!! Have you ever heard of Metalachi??? Well it's a mariachi band... AND A METAL BAND. A-may-zing. You have to see for yourself:


Deidre, Kaeti and Margaret got a little after show action...(I'm so sorry that I missed out on this!)

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The next day was just as good as the first, we were all super busy and our customers really seemed to be loving the new Spring collection. I don't remember why Margaret was making this face - I'm sure she doesn't remember me taking this photo, muwahahaha!

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Our California Sales Rep Megan was with us, looking lovely in one of my favorites, the Betty Dress! She also brought her adorable son Oliver to visit us a few times - he is seriously the cutest in his little Sourpuss Ramones tee!!!!!


Then, that night... I don't know if it's safe to talk about it. We saw things. Astounding things, horrifying things, delightful things. All at this mystical place, Beacher's Madhouse. You know when you are greeted at the door of a bar by Tigger and Winnie the Pooh that it's going to be one of THOSE nights.

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And then... something happened, that we will never be able to erase from our brains.


I don't know if you can tell, but this woman is smashing a watermelon... with her bewbs. with a Panda, Tigger, and Pooh dancing in the background. Mind=asploded. That set the tone for the rest of the night, which was just as magical, but just too much for sensitive eyes (and brains.)

The next day was the final day of the show, and tear down. We got it all done like the rock stars that we are, and celebrated by eating meat and drinking beer (and wine) at the famous Hofbrauhaus! Nothing cures all ailments like a big slab of meat and sausage. And bacon.


That wrapped it up for our shennanigans until the next morning, when we broke out the wonderful matching shirts that were in our swag bags from the Furry bar!!!! Best party favor EVER. Some of us could not manage to stay awake long enough to take a picture, but we're nice so we made sure it happened anyway.


And that was a wrap! Another magical (har har!) whirlwind week in Vegas! Until August - same bat time, same bat place!



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