Give Your Sweetie an Adorable STD this VD (Valentines Day)!

Know_your_STDsEveryone should know which STD is right for them. Using this handy graphic, we'd love to help you figure out which STD you'd like to get (Or give to that special someone in your life this VD : Valentine's Day)!  Still can't decide? Well, now at Sourpuss we're giving you the chance to catch 'em all! HERPES: What is love? It's forever. CRABS: This lil' fuzzball will stick with you. GONORRHEA: Gonorrhea your hands, say yeah! CHLAMYDIA: Perfect for that fella or gal just waiting for you to reveal your results...I mean, love. HPV: You down with HPV? Yeah, you know me! Hooray! SYPHILIS: Nothing says I love you like spirochete bacterium treponema pallidum.
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