Lil' Lou Lou

lilloulou Lil' Lou Lou creates really great headbands and bandanas to keep your hair up and out of your face. With the upcoming hot weather, every girl needs a patterned bandana to either accessorize that already great outfit or for the functionality of what it can do to keep you cool on those hot days. Inspired by the rockabilly culture, all Lil' Lou Lou products are made in the USA. The Rosie bandanas are fashioned after Rosie the Riveter and work great for keeping your hair off the back of your neck and out of your face. They are cute and colorful and add a little kitsch to your style. With so many patterns to choose from there will be one to match every outfit in you wardrobe. The Minnie headbands will also help keep your hair-do in place. The elastic band makes them simple to use and no need to tie the bow because it is already done for you! See all of Lil' Lou Lou headbands and bandanas by clicking HERE!
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