Featured Retailer Razorz Edge in Tucson AZ

Are you looking for the latest gossip from Razorz Edge boutique? We've got the skinny from Lauren on this Tuscon, Arizona's alternative boutique. If you find yourself in the area, stop by the shop and tell those sassy gals you're friends of Sourpuss!
Sourpuss (SP): Tell us about Razorz Edge...(who runs the show, how long have you been in business, where you're located) Razorz Edge (RE): Razorz Edge started in 2007 by Rachel Balls and myself, Lauren Baker. We previously worked together for many years and became really great friends. We shared a love for alternative culture and Rachel knew I wanted to open up a store of my own and she wanted to help out and be a “silent” partner. Our store is located in the funky/edgy shopping district on 4th Avenue in Tucson, AZ. SP: What is your role at Razorz Edge? RE:Pretty much every role at Razorz Edge is my role. I oversee everything, but have been slowly letting go and delegating photo shoots, some of our marketing, etc to our awesome sales associates. SP:If you didn't own Razorz Edge, what do you see yourself doing for work? RE:I’d still be working in a fashion field for sure. I love to sew, so I’d probably be making clothing in my free time. Someday I would love to have clothing manufactured. SP: What are your customers like in Tucson? RE:Our store is in a very eclectic neighborhood that is near our university, so we sell to everyone from sorority girls to our local burlesque ladies to grandma’s buying cool tees for their grandsons. We really try to get to know our regulars and we all have made some really great friends through our store. SP: You are involved with quite a few events throughout the year, any particular favorite? RE:The Tucson Tattoo Convention is our fav. Not only do we sell our merchandise at our booth there, we put on a Alternative/Pin Up Fashion Show and we sponsor the Pin Up Girl Contest! It’s a total blast! SP: What's your favorite place to eat in Tucson? RE:There is an amazing restaurant in our downtown area called Poca Cosa. The menu constantly changes and everything tastes like heaven! SP: Tell us something crazy that has happened in the store RE:The first summer we were open, the store flooded due to a powerful monsoon storm that came through. The employee that worked for us at the time thought she was going to die. It was crazy. Some nearby shops had to be closed for a full week to pump water of out basements and replace walls and floors. We got lucky and were able to open the next day. SP: Have any celebrities shopped at razorz edge? If so, who and what did they buy? RE:We have had Sarah Mclachlan, Jared Leto and the guys from Calexico come in. I don’t remember what they bought, but I know Jared Leto just hit on my employee and told her to come “see his show”. Most recently some of the guys working on the new Hangover movie came in since it’s being filmed in Nogales, which is pretty close to us. We get a lot of touring punk bands in since we are near a bunch of bars and music venues. Those dudes are always buying stuff to take home to their girlfriends or wives, which is awesome!! SP:Trapped on an island for a full year- what 3 things do you take with you? RE:Well, my boyfriend just told me I would have to bring him. So, I guess the other 2 things would be my 2 cats. Lame, I know. SP: Any future plans or goals for Razorz Edge that you would like to share?
RE:We would like to open a store in the Phoenix area in the next couple years. We are in the process of updating our website so we can have a super sweet web-store next year!
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