All Sourpuss-Made Stuff is on Sale Right Now!

Happy 4th of July all! Let's not only celebrate by taking a day to down as many hot dogs, burgers, and beers as possible, nor to blast off a million fireworks, but also revel in some US independence and a massive f*cking sale on everything Sourpuss! That last one's why I'm here: right now, July 4th - 9th, get 20% off everything that your favorite fiendish friends have made for you! Dresses, bags, pins, patches, home goods....the list goes on. All 20% Off! Just pop in code JINX at checkout (some restrictions apply) and you're all set! See everythign we have for you HERE Everything including these new Stray Cats Sweets Dresses. And this one covered with Lobsters! And these Pins + Patches! There's more, but you'll figure it out!
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